First Contact

Written Thursday 26 September 2024 in Blog Posts.

Generally speaking, I always need something to do. Whether it’s something worthwhile (like learning how to cook) or something entirely meaningless (like 100%-ing a videogame I don’t actually like), I need something to fill my spare time. Otherwise, I just waste hours of my precious life staring into the YouTube abyss, slurping up endless fail compilations and recoiling whenever I catch my reflection in the black screen.

Watching every episode (and movie, and web-short-thing) of Star Trek is… not super worthwhile, but combine it with a blog and it suddenly becomes a path to godhood. There’s a strike of mental lightning and you suddenly say: “I could write a blog! I have thoughts!”

Of course there’s the downside that the next 𝑥 years of my life are now devoted to Star Trek, but that’s a problem for Future Stephen. For now, I’ll bask in my newfound light and hope Australian Netflix has a copy of The Original Series. Welcome to, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.